Sunday, August 9, 2009


Perfection. We often throw the word around in our lives, but what does it mean?

On the surface, this is obvious. Perfection is something without a flaw, something that is good in anyway imaginable.

Seems clear enough. Yet is perfection truly attainable, or merely an oxymoron? Consider this statement I make. Bob is a perfect dog. Immediately you have an image in your mind of a dog that you consider (for now) perfect. No doubt Bob is friendly, caring, loyal, smart, strong and all other imaginable positive attributes we might associate with a good dog. Yet there are some qualities that do go together, even if both are good qualities. For example, you might want a dog that is strong enough to guard your house at night against criminals, such a dog would logically be of a decent size. Yet such a dog would not be able to possess the quality of easy to carry around. Even if you compromise and get a medium sized dog, remember that dog wouldn't be as good in both qualities, thus imperfect.

This applies to anything, of course, assume the perfect handphone. What is the size of the perfect handphone? Too small and it is easily misplaced, too big and it's too bulky, too little functions and it's useless, too many and it's confusing Perfect beer? Too bitter and it's piss water, too smooth and it lacks flavour. Perfect girlfriend? Too caring and she's way too controlling, too uncaring and you don't feel loved. With every little move up or down the scale of any quality, comes it's pros and cons. And since all quality has cons.

Nothing is perfect.

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